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Event Information: Summit Racing ET Bracket Series
All drivers must have a valid driver's license.
Drivers under the age of 18, a MINOR RELEASE must be obtained and
signed by your parents/guardians for the 2023 racing season. No one
under the age of 18 will be allowed to race until an original signed release
has been submitted to Rock Falls Raceway staff. -
All drivers (and passengers if applicable) must wear a NHRA approved
helmet. -
Passengers are not permitted during bracket races.​
ALL safety equipment to be current and unaltered, per the NHRA Rulebook.
Absolutely NO Anti-Freeze allowed in your race vehicle's cooling system.
Oil containment device required on all vehicles running 9.99 or quicker.
All dial-ins must be visible on the right-hand side of your race vehicle.
Once a driver has pre-staged, you have accepted your dial-in.
Drivers in competition, if for any reason you feel you have the incorrect lane assignment or pairing, stop in the lanes and get the attention of an Official. Just like your dial-in, once you pre-stage, you have accepted the run. No re-runs will be given.
Lane assignments are as follows: Left Lane ODD numbers. Right Lane EVEN numbers. Listen to the PA or Rock Falls Radio 90.9FM for your call.
IF there is an uneven number of cars in line, the 1st car will be given lane choice.
ABSOLUTELY no one under the age of 16-years-old without a valid state driver's license may operate a support vehicle at ANY time (golf carts, pit bikes, etc.).
Round Robin! Once the call has been made for Round Robin, you will have 15-minutes from your class's last pair turning off of the track to return to the Staging Lanes.
Once cars have been called to the staging lanes, absolutely no warming up on the return roads.
Competitors, please stay in your assigned lanes all the way to the front of the staging area.
Auxiliary Pit Vehicles (golf carts, pit bikes, etc.) please park in Lane 8 or in the dashed (///) lines near the starting line.
ABSOLUTELY NO skateboards or bikes in the Staging Lanes.
No glass bottles allowed.
ALL Semi Finalists & Finalists, lane choice will be determined by a coin flip regardless of what lane you pull up in.
NEW Street Bike Class Rules: 6" over on swing arm max, DOT tire (no slicks), foot shift, no wheelie bar, no electronics.
For all 10.00 to 13.99 closed-bodied cars, either an open-face or a full-face Snell: M2015, M2020, SA2015, SA2020, SFI: 31.1/2015, 31.1/2020, FIA: 8860-2010, 8860-2015 or 8860-2018 helmet with or without a shield is mandatory.
For all 10.00 and slower dune-buggy-type vehicles and all 10.00 to 13.99 open-bodied front-engine or rear-engine supercharged, turbocharged, nitrous, or naturally aspirated cars, a full-face Snell: M2015, M2020, SA2015, SA2020, FIA: 8860-2010, 8860-2015 or 8860-2018 helmet and shield mandatory (goggles prohibited).
For all 9.99 and quicker closed-bodied cars, a full-face Snell: M2015, M2020, SA2015, SA2020, FIA: 8860-2010, 8860-2015 or 8860-2018 helmet mandatory; shield permitted (goggles prohibited). For all 9.99 and quicker open-bodied front-engine or rear-engine supercharged, turbocharged, or nitrous cars, a full-face Snell: SA2015, SA2020, FIA: 8860-2010, 8860-2015 or 8860-2018 helmet and shield mandatory (goggles prohibited). For all 9.99 or quicker open-bodied front-engine or rear-engine naturally aspirated cars, a full-face Snell: M2015, M2020, SA2015, SA2020, FIA: 8860-2010, 8860-2015 or 8860-2018 helmet and shield mandatory (goggles prohibited). See General Regulations 10:7.
Seatbelts required.
Long pants and sleeved shirts are required - no shorts, nylon pants, or tank tops.
Closed toe shoes are required - no sandals, flip flops, or crocs allowed.
Outdated equipment is prohibited from running.
All race vehicles must go through and pass tech inspection pursuant to the NHRA RULEBOOK. If your vehicle doesn't meet tech inspection requirements, admission fee will not be refunded and you will receive a max tech card credit of $60 (adult) or $25 (junior) to use at a future Rock Falls Raceway event. Cash refunds will not be issued. All refunds are issued as a credit.
The ET Racing Series is for all bracket racers wishing to
compete, with those signed up for the Gold Rush
Series competing for season championships!
In consideration for being allowed to participate in events at this facility, I affirm that I have read and that I have agreed to and I am bound by all NHRA rules, regulations, and agreements, including, but not limited, to those contained in the NHRA Rulebook, with specific reference, but not limited, to the rules, regulations, and agreements contained in the Administrative Procedures and Appeals Section of the NHRA Rulebook that are incorporated herein by reference. I know that the NHRA Rulebook, including amendments, is available to me online. I have the authority to bind the vehicle’s owner to these terms if the owner is someone other than myself. I agree that NHRA and this facility make no representations, warranties, or assurances that a technical inspection, including review of any written information, will:
• detect every or any vehicle, equipment, clothing, or rule compliance problem; or
• prevent injury, death, or property damage.
I agree that I bear the ultimate responsibility at all times to ensure the safety of the vehicle, equipment, and clothing in question, and for compliance with all NHRA rules, regulations, and agreements referred to above. I agree that I am in the best position to know about the construction and operation of the vehicle, equipment, and clothing in question, and
compliance with all NHRA rules, regulations, and agreements referred to above. I agree that participation in any and every aspect of the sport of drag racing is a privilege, not a right, and I wish to participate in accordance with all of the foregoing.
King of the Track - May 19 (Bracket Race 2)
NHRA TV Challenge - July 27 (Bracket Race 7)
JDRL Challenge - July 27 (Bracket Race 7)
WI State Championship - Sept 8 (Bracket Race 10)
Points for the Midwest Drag Racers Association will be awarded at Bracket Races 3 & 4 (June 9-11) and Bracket Races 7-8 (August 25-27).
Gates open at 12:30 p.m., close at 7 p.m. (Onsite Stacking Available)
On-track activities begin at 2 p.m.
Gambler's Race time and buy-in to be determined on race day. Minimum of 10 participating vehicles required.
Cash buy-in in the staging lanes. Buy-in amount will be determined in the staging lanes by the tech director. Minimum of 10 participating vehicles required. Progressive cash payout.
Once you have paid to enter the Gambler's Race, if you have vehicle issues and/or you do not run the race, no refund or credit will be given. All vehicles entering the Gambler's Race MUST be race ready at the time they are called to run.
Gates open at 8 a.m., close at 7 p.m. (Onsite Stacking Available)
On track at 9 a.m.
Time Trials starting at 9 a.m.
Bracket Racing to follow (approximately 1 p.m.)
Tech Inspection (Lanes 7 & 8)​
King of The Hill (Lanes 5 & 6)
- Pro ET (Lanes 1-4). Qtr, Finals forward (Lanes 3 & 4)
- Bike/Sleds (Lanes 5 & 6)
- Jr. Dragsters (Lanes 7 & 8)
- Advanced (ages 13-18)​
- Intermediate (ages 10-12)
- Minor (ages 6-9)
- ​Street Eliminator (Lanes 5 & 6)
Jr. Street (Lanes 7 & 8)
Super Pro (Lanes 1-4). Qtr, Finals forward (Lanes 1 & 2)
Street Bike (Lanes 7 & 8)
Friday Test & Tune Tech Cards
$60 Test & Tune​
$40 Junior Test & Tune
Class Tech Cards (per day)
$75 Super Pro​
$75 Pro
$60 Bike/Sled
$45 King of the Hill
$45 Street Eliminator
$40 Street Bike
$40 Junior Dragsters
$40 Junior Street
Admission: $18 adults (13+) / $13 students (8-12) / Free kids (7-under)
Daily Spectator Camping: $25. NOTE: If you are a racer and show up in a totor home, motor home (race trailer in tow), 1-unit together, there is NO camping fee to the racer. If a racer pulls in a separate camper to camp in in their pit spot, 2-units, an overnight camping fee of $25 per night applies.
Please complete the following steps to register to race:
1. Complete the information portion of the registration below.
2. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions below.
3. Proceed to payment.
4. Check your email for your race registration confirmation.
5. NOTE: Your online registration does not include your admission ticket to the facility. Please click on the Admission Tickets button to purchase.
Register to Race
Terms and Conditions
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